Home > About Rauva > Rauva Release Review 2: August 25th 2023

Rauva Release Review 2: August 25th 2023

By Rauva

Published on 29 January 2025

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Hello everyone, welcome to the second edition of the Rauva Release Review

These articles will be posted fortnightly and will summarise all the hard work our team has done releasing (twice a week) the features and functionalities that you’ve asked for. 

The main areas of focus in the last couple of weeks have been: Blogs, Cards, Expenses and Invoices 


Educational blogs released in app

Knowing how to start your journey as an entrepreneur is difficult, if you have made that first step, understanding what to do next is often also difficult! Rauva wants to help entrepreneurs at every stage, so we are making educational content to support you, which you can find in the app now.   


Create a virtual card in 3 taps

Virtual cards are free, can be used instantly and are better for the environment. That’s why we’ve made an update to promote users to create virtual cards instantly when they access the Cards Hub, in just 3 taps. 

Take a photo of a receipt

Take an instant photo of a receipt

We’ve started to improve our Expenses journey, and now are doing even more by releasing the ability to take a photo of a receipt within the Rauva app, then add it to the transaction instantly. This should save precious minutes in the fight to spend less time on administrative chores and more on your business.  


Select how many units for each invoice item

To make invoicing quicker and easier, users can now update the amount of units on each invoice in the app, with a slicker and easier to understand user experience.

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Written by Rauva

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©Rauva - 2024
Rauva is partnered with Swan who will be providing all payment services to Rauva clients. Rauva does not have access to client funds. Funds are kept in accounts provided by Swan, held in BNP Paribas. Swan is an EMI, based in France, supervised, and regulated by ACPR/Banque de France. Swan is authorized to carry out such services in Portugal and registered with Banco de Portugal under the registration number 7893.
Rauva is a certified accounting firm, but is not a certified legal services provider. As such, Rauva does not provide legal services. Rauva acts as an intermediary who facilitates the introduction to our customers of legal services partners who are legally registered and certified in Portugal.